
'An art project has saved Rosa Parks' family home from demolition' CNN

'Artist brings new beginning for Rosa Parks' Detroit home' USA Today

'Working to save Rosa Parks' Home- The Army of neighbors' CNN Style

'Detroit House Preserves Memories of a Little-Known Part of Rosa Parks’s Life' The New York Times

'Artist transports Rosa Parks' former Detroit home to Germany' The Guardian

'Artist Ryan Mendoza to Salvage and Recreate Rosa Parks’ Detroit Home in Berlin' Artnet

'Why Is an Artist Rebuilding Rosa Parks' Home in Berlin?' The Creators Project

'Artist moves empty Detroit Home to Europe-literally' USA Today

'Ceci ne pas une maison'  Madame Magazine

'Das ist Geschichte, das kann nicht weg!' Die Welt

'Is Artist's Detroit House Project Urban Activism or Ruin Porn?' Artnet

'Artist invites Trump and Clinton to sleep in Detroits Brightmoor neighborhood' Channel 4

'Artist to use parts of Rosa Parks home for project' Fox News

'Detroit's Brightmoor Neighborhood: Stuck Between a Trump and a Clinton' Deadline Detroit

'In Detroit: Ruin-Porn ignores the voices of those who still call the city home' The Guardian

'Detroit 'Art House'demolished after misleading Media Reports' Motorcity Muckracker

'A magical Tale of Vacant Detroit Home that vanishes and ends up in Europe' Deadline Detroit

'Artist who tore down Detroit home: Trump, Clinton come sleep here' Detroit Free Press

'Transplantation: A chunk of Detroit in Europe' DAMN Magazine

'Artist takes abandoned Detroit Home- leaves mess behind' Detroit Free Press

'White House' artist Ryan Mendoza clears the air', Metro Times

'HOME // Detroit House: An Interview with Ryan Mendoza' Berlin Art Link

'Dear Artists: Detroit’s Abandoned Homes Are More Than Your Blank Canvas' Huffington Post

Artist Says He Didn't Mean to Leave Blight After Moving Vacant Detroit Home Abroad, Deadline Detroit

'Artist settles cost of demolished home used for art' Detroit Free Press

'Detroit artwork calls for demolition of blighted homes‘, Washinton Times

'Krot uit Detroit verhuisd naar Art Rotterdam' NRC

'Is Rosa Parks' former Detroit home 'worthless or priceless?' MLive